CRPF protests in Kashmir

CRPF protests in Kashmir

Kashmir has always been an area of unrest, tension and repeated protests and attacks. And it is in the news once again for the CRPF protests which have left Kashmir inhabitants distraught.

The cause of these protests can be traced back in 2010, when there was unrest because of the Indian army claiming to have killed three Pakistani infiltrators but which later turned out to be a fake encounter. At that time, Hurriyat conference staged many serious protests in this respect. And five years later, when protests erupted for a plan on composite township for displaced Hindus or pundits, and in this army operation, two youth members were killed, Hurriyat conference once again called for a strike and was on the roads to protest. Owing to the violent crowd, the Central reserve police force first used tear gas to control the crowd but later opened fire to disperse protestors. And in this, 3 people got wounded and amongst them, one young 16 year old later died. This further raged the people as this is the worst example of state terrorism.

The death of this young teenager has sparked more violence and agony among people in Kashmir with stone pelting and further protests by people who have been reported to have set fire to a police picket and tourist hut at Narbal.  As a result, several separatist leaders have been put on house arrest as a preventive measure, as their coming out and displaying their rage  would aggravate situation.


It has been reported that the CRPF personnel violated the sop ( Standard operation procedures) at the time of the incidence. And as a matter of fact, this unfortunate killing of a young life is because of the black law like AFSPA ( Armed forces special powers act) which have given license to armed forces to kill unarmed Kashmiris in disturbed areas. Despite repeated pleas for the revocation of this act by the people, centre and the state government turns a deaf year to all this. It is because of this, that the protests have escalated to such an extent with stone pelting, violence and even killing of innocent people.

Let’s hope that kashmir regains peace and everything gets back to normal as soon as possible. Also, let’s pray that the near future of this beautiful state is free from any kind of violence, protests and misery.

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