Data Science: Consider this !

Data Science Consider this !

As I mentioned in my earlier post, trillions of bytes of data is being added to the internet every day. We perform millions of operations every day on this data to make conscious decisions. Big data, databases or whatever we choose to call this humungous amount of data simply cannot be ignored. At the heart of any application, this data is what we work on to calculate our next steps.

Data Science is simply the extraction of data. Data Science is typically the practice of:

  • Formulating questions and answering these questions to derive solutions that hold business value.
  • Defining the data or working with existing data and choosing mechanisms for collecting, storing and exploring this data.
  • To identify the methods of analyzing this data to get the desired answers and performing this analysis by means of appropriate algorithms in various architectures
  • Gathering the information obtained from the analysis phase and structuring it so that a common man can understand the theories behind the conclusions from the analysis phase.

Data Science is practiced by well data scientists. Their skill set is in high demand as the world runs literally on the data it encompasses. Data Science has many areas of research. Some of them are as follows:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Information Visualization
  • Computer Vision
  • Signal Processing
  • Databases and information integration etc.

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