Welfare Programs to address Poverty!

Welfare Programs to address Poverty

Poverty is a surviving problem in India. To reduce poverty to at least some extent, it is always suggested that welfare programs should be increased. But if it is so easy to fight such problems, why it is still prevalent in every other country. The welfare programs are adopted to reduce poverty, but there are some issues that make such programs ineffective.

On one hand, these programs help people improve their situation and on the other hand, discourages them to not to work. People tend to think that their needs are getting fulfilled then why do they need to work or they work for smaller hours and so they spend their lives on those benefits for a considerable period of time.

Moreover, providing the benefits to the people results in a huge cost which becomes a burden for the government and so a fraction of these costs are passed on in terms of higher taxes to the people. Government is also required to borrow some money to finance such costs.

It could be said that welfare programs are a way to eradicate poverty but are also served as a disincentive to work to most of the people and also result in higher taxes and debts.

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