Apache Cordova


Ignore it or not mobile platform are the emerging markets today.Convenience is key.

Ever had a ground breaking idea for an app?Held back because you lack knowledge or even experience in a mobile platform? Cordova is here to help you out !!!

Apache Cordova is a set of API’ that allow us to design and design native mobile applications using HTML,CSS,Javascript.The key advantage of using Cordova is that applications can be built without the use of any native code as web technologies are used and hosted in the app itself.Since these web technologies are somewhat similar across varies platforms the app can be developed and published in any platform without much change to its structure.What basically Cordova tries to achieve s fast development of mobile applications across various platforms without being tied down by the mobile platform’s native language.


Cordova is primarily based on Javascript.It provides a uniform set of Javascript libraries and device specific native backing code for those libraries.Cordova s available for the following platforms:

  • Android
  • Blackberry
  • Windows Phone
  • Palm WebOS
  • Bada
  • Symbian

The key component of an application using Cordova are a config.xml file that provides information about the parameters that afect an applicaton’s functionality.The application is implemented on a web page named by default as index.html that lists out the CSS,HTML or Javascript files that are needed for it to run.Two basic workflows can be used to develop applications:

  1. A Cross Platform Workflow: When we want our application to run across many different mobile operating systems as possible with little need for platform specific development.Basically offers cross platform compatibility.
  2. Platform Specific Workflow: When we develop our application for a specific mobile operating system.

Go on try out Cordova,you might be in for a surprise !

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