The Secret of Successful Investors


To be successful when it comes to investing in the stock market, you must learn to control your emotions. Emotions have an indirect impact in getting the best returns out of your investments. You must be wondering that what has emotional stability got to do with long-term investing? That’s a good question. It is very common that the share price of a stock could plunge substantially within a day just because the company announces some bad news. But here’s the catch- The news that a company announces, good or bad, are temporary. That’s why being emotionally stable in the financial industry is extremely important. Think about it. You wouldn’t want to regret selling a stock before the market realises its true value. This usually happens when your emotion messes with your thoughts. The outcome is bad results! So what should you do to avoid this from happening? Well, here are the tips to make sure you’re emotionally stable when it comes to investing.

  • Understand the business behind the stock. When you understand a business inside-out, you are likely to make better decisions than others. Understanding the business model  here also means knowing what risk the business carries. Should a crisis strike, you’ll be able to analyse if the problem is temporary or permanent. Making a sound and wise decision, therefore, becomes easier avoiding the confusion an uneducated investor would be vulnerable to. 
  • Stop looking at stock prices! After you’ve purchased the stock, it is very important to spend less time looking at the prices. The amount of time, should instead be wisely spent on research rather than the day to day stock price fluctuations. And here, it is a must to quote Warren buffet: “I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.” So, remember the in-scoop: Monitor the stock price once a month or quarterly, but not everyday.
  • Ignore market noises. In the past, there have been numerous market predictions made by the experts, but most of them are inaccurate. Imagine the false hope of believing a prediction that’s not going to come true. In some way or the other, it is going to affect your investing experience. These predictions can be helpful, but are they really worth investing your time on? Instead, it would be a lot better studying the real facts or assessing the future growth drivers of the market.

So, these tips are the best defence you can equip against any rash and unwise decisions.

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