We all read and hear news every day, some are shocking and some we had seen coming some are instant and some delayed but what really makes news’ News’ is when we make it with pure intent of giving information and not with the agenda of sensationalizing events to generate public conses.
On the same way when a story is about to be published for its reading there are a few measures which determine its worthiness
They are as follows:-
Change: the greater the change the more people it effects accounts for the no of people it effects.
Conflict: Actual conflict or even the danger of conflict can make news as conflict brings change.
Disaster: Be it natural or man made
consequence: make news as it is consequence which triggers events and changes temperament.
Cause: The root of any event weather small or big makes news.
Eminence & Prominence: These values are what make news salable thus make a vantage point in aspect of revenue and as it is seen that eminent and prominent people have a great hold on society thus there news effects a lot of people.
Timeliness: It is basic news value as the immediate news is more important than the old one.
Human interest: The emotion which connect ordinary reader to the story .even writers use it to attract audience is the core of ant type of writing.
eg : The event in which ordinary people undergo extraordinary situation .
Timeliness: Is the most important merit of them all as news is a very perishable commodity and the more immediate news is most important in comparison to others.
Proximity: Means closeness and humans have the nature to be concerned only about himself and his surrounding thus are more interested in stories of their neighborhood
Thus we see that there are numerous regional magazines , newspapers.
these are the ingredients which make up are day to day news and the next time you read your newspaper try finding some.
6 Comments. Leave new
Precise and still effective. Good work. 🙂
good 🙂
Interesting topic! It was good reading what actually makes anything news worthy!
Recipe for a good news also depends upon how the journalist to play with the facts. That is what generate TRPs for news channels.
Good job.. Keep it up :0
It’s actually much more complicated than this.