Constitution and its golories


India is the world’s biggest democracy with 1.252 billion  people being governed with a democratic government  made by the people, for the people .But what makes India  a democracy at heart  is the constitution ,THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA. which has four parts  each  describing different sections of the constitution ,but something which is not general knowledge is that the constitution has something called the preamble The preamble is called the philosophy of the Indian constitution,  the drafting committee of the constitution tried to embody the spirit of the constitution in the preamble.

Amendments to the preamble

There were two major amendments  were made to the preamble. First word ‘sovereign democratic republic’ was substituted with the word ‘sovereign socialist secular democratic republic’ and second for the word ‘unity of the nation’, the word ‘unity and integrity of the nation’ was inserted.

The purpose the preamble serves:

        i.            The source of the constitution

      ii.            Type of government

    iii.            objectives of the political system

     iv.            The date of adoption and enactment

The preamble of the constitution  of India read:

We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitution…………………

has words like



 SOVEREIGN: implies that the ultimate authority of all govt agencies spring from the will of the people and that the authority is renewed from time to time in regular interval of time.

SOCIALIST: The word was introduced by the 42nd amendment aiming to establish that our is a socialist state where there is justice -socially, economically and politically.

SECULAR:  also introduced by the 42nd amendment in highlighting that the state shall not have any religion as its own .All persons shall be entitled to freedom of conscience, practically and propagate any religion.

DEMOCRATIC :   refers to the form of the form of govt in which representative and responsible system under which administrative handle the offers of the state are chosen by election and are accountable to the people.

REPUBLIC: means elected head of state in which a head of state in which a head of state is elected , it can be a person or a group for a limited time period .in India an Indian citizen is elected .

LIBERTY: It signifies  absence of arbitrary restrain and the freedom of action by providing liberty of expression , brief, faith and worship.

EQUALITY: liberty is a sham with equality, both are complementary. Equality means prohibition of artificial restriction on the basis of caste, greed, sex, color or place of residence

FRATERNITY: signifies the spirit of brotherhood ,which is very necessary for a nation constituting of different religion, it is emphasized upon to ensure unity and dignity of the country and has become universally applicable.

Date of adoption of the preamble is 26th NOV 1949

Date of enactment is 26th JAN 1950

Being a critical part of the constitution its very necessary that we as the citizen of India know our constitution and its part

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