Employability Test is a certification which helps in identifying talent through a standardized testing process. Certification is key for establishing appropriate labor market linkages and ascertaining that the workforce is industry ready. It has today found its place in almost every industry for one big reason- it helps in advancing the profession. Certification is a way of helping the employers evaluate their workforce, analyze and judge their skills and hence recruit the right talent. On the other hand, skill certification is very critical for workers as well. Being certified for a particular skill or role acts as a seal for a worker’s employability in that sector and role. It is a testament of competency, commitment towards one’s profession and is indeed a key differentiator from the rest. It is a very important step towards building respect and interest of workers in the informal or vocational sector. Skill certification also paves way for differential waging which further recognizes and rewards more skilled workforce, thus acting as motivator for others.
In India,many companies use such tests for shortlisting candidates for the interviews.Apart from saving time and resources,it also helps students analyze their strengths and weaknesses,so that they can work on it.
10 Comments. Leave new
Good work!
Employability test is a good way to check one’s skill. It also helps to know which job fits the best to the employee. It is just like aptitude test. Good work 🙂
Good work..!
it is very much important to take the employability test as before selecting a person for the job to know about his practical as well as theoretical skills.
Hmm.. Thats a very good and crisp article..
Nice job!
Great job
Appreciate the efforts taken to bring notice to the main reason of these employ-ability tests.