

It is always presumed that hr jobs are not that difficult compared to other industry but NO,HR jobs are as tough as any other industry.It is always said by my mentor “THERE IS NO SCARCITY OF JOB BUT THE RIGHT AND SKILLED CANDIDATES ARE MISSING” This is just because Now-a-days every industry are moving toward next generation for which they need UPDATED MIND.

The candidate who are selected should be given proper training and development time to time to match the trending technology which is the most important thing in order to increase the productivity of the organization,because of which HR select the candidate who already knows the thing which are in trend ,this is where the HR job becomes the most TOUGHEST JOB.

Hence.In order to get selected once should not only have the whole theoretical concept  on the tip of the tongue (which is actually least important thing) but to be updated on whatever is going around you may be skills,technology,business,markets etc ,and to develop the skill set which will make you stand out from others.

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