Color wheel known as mother of all color tools.
The color wheel is a very important tool which aids in selection of color.
It is mainly made up of 3 colors:
Red, Green and Blue
And secondary colors:
Cyan, Yellow, Magenta
And other colors are formed by a combination of these colors.
The key to using this tool is that, you can go for a color scheme based off the wheel.
Color scheme is a collection of colors that go well together.
The steps to selecting a color scheme are:
1. Select your base color which would be central to the site.
2. Next select the sub colors based on a scheme.
You get a variety of scheme choices to choose from like monochromatic, analogous, complementary, triadic etc.
Triadic is pretty popular though, in which you have 3 colors selected that form a triangle when you draw lines between them on the color wheel.
3. Once you select a base color, draw an equilateral triangle to the other 2 colors, these will be your secondary 2 colors.
2 Comments. Leave new
Good effort 🙂
Nicely written 🙂
Great effort 🙂