
Well, to begin with, lets first define the term ‘spiritualism’ to our readers. That’s a tough task though some people relate it to religion while some call it sacred. Some link this concept to the soul and the circle of incarnation while others think it doesn’t even make any sense. Now putting my own views on the front, I think spiritualism is a very personal phenomenon; something that defines and identifies with you. It doesn’t necessarily relate to the fear of God; as generally put by people; rather spiritualism conveys what your conscience commands and allows you to do. There are no rules or boundaries within which a person needs to operate to be spiritual; nor does it forces you into any arena; on the other hand, I feel spiritualism is something that makes you a better person- inside and out. It helps to cultivate in us a sense of uniqueness and liberty and helps us stand against the worldly forces that constantly make us weak.

In this context I’d like to quote Mr. Bonnie Raitt, an award-winning singer an now a spiritual leader, “Religion is for people who are scared to go to hell; spirituality is for people who have already been there!!”

From a nothing-known-about topic, spiritualism has now converted into one of the most interesting tapes of today. Looking around, the evidence certainly suggests that something rather significant is going on. Taking it on a global level, more and more people are turning to spiritualism trying to find answers not yet found or just looking for choices playing around the complex game of life. Though there is no single person who has mastered this art, yet the old practitioners still now a lot. According to them, spiritualism is an essence of surprise and hope; and is immune to the change of life. They claim that life is unstable and we are indisputably living in the “age of the unthinkable” and the “era of meaningless race” where vision is blurred and our paths distracted; therefore, a strong revolution is the need of the hour. The belief is that spirituality is the only spirit that can lead an individual to optimism and light and prevent us from entering the “age of the unexplainable”.

Elaborating, another part of the story is that spiritualism not only enlightens us but also works as a protective force. As per studies, spiritual activities work against depression by prompting a thickening of the brain cortex. As a part of this, many psychology treatments have started including spiritual therapies which have discovered to yield positive results. Not only this, but children who are taught to practice the art of spiritualism at an early age of life are found to have stronger and better-developed brain tissues that help in better understanding and correlation.     Though a large part of the society is moving towards spiritualism, hoping to climb the golden stairs of enlightenment and knowledge; some sections believe it to be a complete waste of time. They say that owing to the great number of problems that that human life is entwined with; any individual is bound to look for solutions and that is the reason that people are preaching this ‘fake’ concept.

Now, winding up with my piece I’d like to end with a popular quote

Believe in what you think; because belief is what creates a fact”

Considering the wide range of calls that we have heard from people on this topic, declaring a view as right or wrong is not what we can decide on but since there are so many aspects that have come out; spirituality undoubtedly holds a space somewhere. What varies is only our belief; the context is still the same.


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