
From the Tomatina festival of Brunel to the Bengali Durga Puja…from the strip shows in Las Vegas to the Islamic tradition of the Hajj pilgrimage… we are surely living in the era of an astonishing culture;  witnessing the most vibrant colors of life and a beautiful extravaganza.

Culture, in literal words, means “distinctions”. It basically describes an amalgamation or an integrated system of various behavioral patterns that describe the characteristics of a society. But today, this term has incorporated even more!! Culture is no longer a restricted term; rather, it has become a vision- a vision that differentiates yet unites the society. It is something that connects people; a bond and a universal language that is not learned about; just felt and experienced.

Coming to the importance, the culture fever has developed so much so that people no longer consider it an entertainment source. Contrary to this, it has developed into a fever. Today’s generation attaches a sentimental belief in their culture. Some people relate it to religion while some call it sacred.

Festivals and traditions believe and rituals, languages and dresses, the cuisines and places, culture has no boundaries or limits. Touching every sphere of life; culture has left no stones unturned no matter what it is. Culture is no longer a practice; it has developed into an art and today, it has become insanity! It doesn’t compel you to do anything, nor does it forces any rules upon you; rather, it helps you lose free and tells you to do what your conscience demands. Yes, culture is nothing but your inner voice trying to make you a better person- inside and out.

As put in words by the great Mahatma Gandhi, “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”

The era of culture and its impact on the age of the unthinkable has grown so much that it has become an indispensable part of our lives. The evidence certainly suggests that something rather significant is going on, with the cultural era expanding at the global level with every another day. The fact that people want to learn and know more and more of it is suggested by a large number of books written and read and the numerous plays and shows being staged portraying the diversity of the global era. Climbing the golden stairs of development, culture has found its own roots and importance, its own questions and answers and an essence of surprise and hope.

However, we need to understand that culture, being a revolution, is a chance for something better making us more at ease. And now that culture has converted into one of the most interesting tapes of today, it is important to understand that despite being diverse, it can work as a binding force owing to its richness and beauty. The only thing that makes a difference in this aspect is our attitude towards adapting and accepting it and making it our own!!

Quoting Chewar Chavez on this, “Preservation of one’s culture doesn’t require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.”

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