The Myth Called “Luck”


Individuals always tend to blame their luck whenever something bad happens or when they struggle for success or when they don’t achieve their goal or even when they are not success in love.

Well see luck really never exists according to me. Individuals achieve greatness or failure according to their passion, confidence & the hunger to succeed. When an individual achieves some feat or goal they don’t say that all happened due to sheer luck but when that same individual suffers failure well they always try to put their blame on luck.

Luck only take place in silver screen where they show how a hero meets his heroine & all that bullshit.

Luck really never exists in real life. It is the psychology of an individual which believes that luck exists.

If you score 100 marks in your exam it simply shows that you have studied & if you fail it simply means you haven’t studied rather than putting the blame on luck.

An individual should have confidence in himself/herself  & his/her knowledge & skills rather than being dependent on luck as it does not exist in this world.

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