crowd sourcing..the new way for Hiring..!!


Crowd sourcing is the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or a group to a common goal – often innovation, problem solving or creating something which was not possible by an individual to do alone or would have taken that individual long enough to complete. With our increasing connectivity, it is now convenient and simpler than ever for individuals to collectively contribute – either with ideas, time, expertise, or funds – to a project or cause. This means of collective contribution towards a work is termed as crowdsourcing mobilization.

For example, Wikipedia. Instead of creating an encyclopaedia on its own, gave writers and editors the ability to create a multitude of information on their own. As a result what we see today is the biggest encyclopaedia with the most extensive information in the world.

Crowdsourcing trace through all social and business interactions. It is changing the way people work, rent, research, brand and market. Governments are applying crowdsourcing to empower citizens and give greater voice to people. In science and health, crowdsourcing can democratize problem solving and accelerate innovation. With education, has the potential to revolutionize the system, like crowdfunding is challenging the traditional banking and investment processes.

Crowdsourcing has been a hot topic as it relates to the management and development of the workforce, from its impact on employee commitment to the recruitment and hiring. Instead of throwing caution to the wind and try new techniques of supply, however, it is important to use a method that is closely linked to business objectives and can be clearly measured. It should also be fully integrated into both formal and informal learning practices.

The biggest advantage of crowdsourcing is the ability to receive top quality results, as several people offer their best ideas, skills and support. It allows you to select the best out of a sea of ​​’Top Ticket’ instead of receiving the best entry from a single provider. Results can be delivered much faster than traditional methods because crowdsourcing is a way of working independently. A video can be completed within a month because several people can be put together on it, similarly a finished design or idea can be completed just in a week, and micro tasks are completed within minutes.

Clear information are essential in the crowdsourcing. You might be looking through thousands of possible ideas, which can be laborious, complicated or even if the information is not clearly understood. Some forms of crowdsourcing does not involve the specification work, some people are against it. Quality can be difficult to judge if proper expectations are not clearly established.


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