Role of an HR manager…

Role of an HR manager in increasing Gender Diversity in Indian Manufacturing Sector


The Indian Manufacturing Industry has always struggled to achieve gender diversity owing to the kind of work that is carried on. Issued like Stringent Labor laws in India which prevents woman employees to work from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m, research which proves female are less productive compared to male and retention problems since women tend to leave jobs after marriage and pregnancy have marred the chances of the manufacturing industry in taking steps towards achieving gender diversity. But with every other industry now taking steps towards achieving the same , it’s high time that manufacturing sector too gives a look into it. Thus the role of an HR comes into picture. Standing today here are some steps which followed can ensure proper gender diversity:-

1. Funding of  girl students interested in attending technical schools. This will also provide teachers new impetus for gender sensitive teaching.

2. Promotion of Manufacturing sector and it’s safety at engineering colleges. This can be achieved through talks and interactions.

3. Maternity leave should be extended from the existing 12 weeks to a longer period extending up to a  year, as women bear the major responsibility surrounding child care.

4. Since female employees shoulder majority responsibility surrounding the family organization, needs to recognize  their need for flexible work arrangements. Grants supplements should be offered to facilitate re entry of women who have taken time off to care for their family.

5. Networking and mentoring programs to improve retention and advancement of women.This is especially necessary in order to build a pipeline of women leaders.

6. Introducing diversity related Key performance indicators for all business leaders and establishing monitoring procedures for measuring progress towards gender diversity  goals.


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