Table of Content
Tig Welding process and equipment
- Introduction to TIG Welding
- TIG welding equipment
- Gas regulator, flow meter
Advantages and Disadvantages of TIG welding process
- Advantage of TIG Welding
- Disadvantages of TIG Welding
- Advantage of TIG welding process
GTAW Safety
- Electrical current
- Welding environment safety rules
Power sources of TIG welding – types, applications – care and maintenance
- Power sources for GTAW
- Type machine
- Types of sources
- Alternating current transformers
- Alternating current transformers/direct current rectifiers
High frequency unit and DC suppressor unit
- High frequency unit (HF unit)
- Care and maintenance of HF unit
- DC suppressor
- Care and maintenance of DC suppressor
Properties and uses of argon and helium gas – ceramic shield
- Shield gases
- Inter gases
- Properties of argon and helium gas
- Gases for TIG welding of aluminium Argon gas
- Low arc voltage
- Arc stability
- Low gas overhead welding
- Automatic welding
- Welding dissimilar metals
- Helium
- High arc voltage
- Small heat affected zone
- Automatic welding
- Aluminium bronze
- Cobalt base alloys
- Cupro-Nickel
- Deoxidised copper
- Inconel
- Low carbon steel
- Magnesium alloys
- Maraging steels
- Monel
- Gas lens
Tungsten electrodes – types – uses
- Tungsten electrodes
- Electrodes of four different types are used
- Tungsten with 1-2% of thorium oxide
- Tungsten with 0.3 – 0.5% zirconium
- For edge welds
- For edge welds
- Current density
- Electrode condition
Types of polarity and its application
- DC power sources
- AC power sources
Aluminum Welding by TIG process
- Base metals and filler alloys
- Preheating aluminium
- Welding of fillet joint
- Advantages of argon arc welding
- Limitation of argon arc welding
- Base materials
- Wrought material identification
- Heat Treatable
- Join preparation for welding aluminium
- Pre-weld cleaning
- Chemical cleaning
- Mechanical Cleaning
- Welding of stainless steel by TIG process
- Welding techniques Melt in mode
- Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)
- Fillet lap joint on stainless steel
- Square butt joint on stainless steel sheet
- Butt joining of stainless steel sheets
- Square butt joint on stainless steel tubes
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