Vskills certification for Environmentalist Manager assesses the candidate as per the company’s need for managing environmental compliance, CSR and programs. The certification tests the candidates on various areas in environmental pollution, waste management, policies and legal aspect, methods, tools and techniques, EIA, EMS, ISO 14000, environmental ethics, WTO and environmental issues.
Why should one take this certification?
This Course is intended for professionals and graduates wanting to excel in their chosen areas. It is also well suited for those who are already working and would like to take certification for further career progression.
Earning Vskills Environmentalist Manager Certification can help candidate differentiate in today's competitive job market, broaden their employment opportunities by displaying their advanced skills, and result in higher earning potential.
Who will benefit from taking this certification?
Job seekers looking to find employment in CSR or environmental or sustainability departments of various companies, students generally wanting to improve their skill set and make their CV stronger and existing employees looking for a better role can prove their employers the value of their skills through this certification.
Environmentalist Table of Contents
Environmentalist Tutorial
Environmentalist Sample Questions
Environmentalist Mock Test
Environmentalist Interview Questions
Companies that hire Vskills Certified Environmentalist
Environmentalist are in great demand. Companies specializing in CSR or environment or sustainability are constantly hiring skilled environmental managers. Various public and private companies also need environmental managers for their CSR or environmental or sustainability departments.
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Environmental Management Introduction
- Introduction
- Sustainable Development
- Stakeholder Concept
- Environmental Problems
- Concept of Environment and Environmental Management
- Environmental Resources
- Environmental Conflict
- Environmental Accounting
- Carbon Management
Environmental Pollution
- Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Soil Pollution
- Marine Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Thermal Pollution
- Nuclear Hazards
- Environmental Protection Strategies
Waste Management
- Introduction
- Disposal Methods
- Avoidance and Reduction Methods
- Waste Handling and Transport
- Waste Management Concepts
- Education and Awareness
- Biomedical Waste
- Hazardous Waste
- Mixed Waste (Radioactive/Hazardous)
- Toxic Wastes
- Goals of Waste Management
Policies and Legal Aspect
- Introduction
- Stockholm Conference
- The Earth Summit Agreements
- Environmental Governance In India
- Indian Environmental Protection and Fundamental Rights
- India's International Obligations
- Environmental Audit Statements Rules
- Public Participation
Methods, Tools and Techniques
- Basics
- Data
- Standards, Indicators and Benchmarks
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- Sustainable Development Indicators
- Monitoring
- Surveillance
- Modeling
- Environmental Auditing
- Environmental Risk Management
- Social Impact Assessment
- Livelihoods Assessment
- Tools Used
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Introduction
- Definition
- Planning
- Relevance
- Significance
- Inputs and Outputs of the EIA Process
- EIA Methods and Techniques
- EIA Practices In India
- Future Trends In Environment Impact Assessment
Indian Industrial Response
- Introduction
- Regulatory and Economic Instruments
- Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- Environmental Reporting Practices in India
Environmental Management System
- Introduction
- Goals
- EMS Benefits
- Features
- EMS Model
- EMS Process
- Levels of EMS Implementation
ISO 14000 and Environmental Management Systems
- Introduction
- Need
- To Whom Does The Standard Apply?
- Where Do The Standards Apply?
- What Does The ISO 14000 Series Cover?
- Benefits of ISO 14000
- Steps In ISO 14000 Certification Process
- ISO Definitions
Environmental Ethics
- Introduction
- Development of Environmental Ethics
- Ethical Theories
- Environmental Ethics In Spirituality
- Fundamental Concerns
- The Ethical Dilemma
- Environment and Technology
- Human Life and Its Environment
- The Challenge of a World Environmental Ethics
WTO and Environmental Issues
- Introduction
- The World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Trade and Environment
- General Agreement on Trade In Services (GATS)
- Trade and Environmental Milestones
- Reconciling Trade With Environment
- Environmental Concerns And WTO
- Public Participation
Case Studies
- Ashok Leyland's ISO 14001 Journey
- Critical Skills Needed To Be A Successful Environmental Professional In The Global “Green” Economy
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Karnataka Integrated Rural Water Supply and Environmental sanitation Project, Mysore District