International Students

Vskills Certifications are available for candidates residing outside of India.

  1. Go to on any product page and click 'Buy Now' button to register for the product/certification.
  2. Candidate need to send a proof of residency being outside India, to
  3.  International students do not get the hard copy of the reading material.
  4.  However, the entire reading material is present in the online Learning Management System. As soon as you make the payment, you get an access to online Learning Management System.
  5. After you have finished your learning, candidate needs to schedule their assessment for the product within one year of registration.
  6. Candidate should logon to their Vskills panel, click 'Schedule' button and select "International" as test center along with chosen exam date and time.
  7. You also need to email about your timezone.
  8. Your exam will be conducted on our in house state of art, intelligent testing tool.
  9. After clearing the certification exam, candidate will be provided with soft copies of the performance report and certificate
  10. Link to soft copy certificate and performance report (having marks scored) is also emailed.
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