Learning Resources
Executing parallel tests
Using grid to run tests
( using java as an example ) Now that the grid is in-place, we need to access the grid from our test cases. For the Selenium 1 RC nodes, you can continue to use the DefaultSelenium object and pass in the hub information:
Selenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium(“localhost”, 4444, “*firefox”, “https://www.google.com”);
For WebDriver nodes, you will need to use the RemoteWebDriver and the DesiredCapabilities object to define which browser, version and platform you wish to use. Create the target browser capabilities you want to run the tests against:
DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
Pass that into the RemoteWebDriver object:
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("https://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability);
The hub will then assign the test to a matching node.
A node matches if all the requested capabilities are met. To request specific capabilities on the grid, specify them before passing it into the WebDriver object.
capability.setBrowserName(); capability.setPlatform(); capability.setVersion() capability.setCapability(,);
Example: A node registered with the setting:
-browser browserName=firefox,version=3.6,platform=LINUX
will be a match for:capability.setBrowserName(“firefox” ); capability.setPlatform(“LINUX”); capability.setVersion(“3.6”);
and would also be a match for
capability.setBrowserName(“firefox” ); capability.setVersion(“3.6”);
The capabilities that are not specified will be ignored. If you specify capabilities that do not exist on your grid (for example, your test specifies Firefox version 4.0, but have no Firefox 4 instance) then there will be no match and the test will fail to run.