Certified Selenium Professiona Learning Resources Browser and variable access by JavaScript

Learning Resources

Browser and variable access by JavaScript

Storing variables in Selenium IDE

Selenium functions store, storeValue, and storeText store some data for later access.
Selenium uses a map called storedVars to store the data.
You can store strings. Example:

    this text is a string

You can use previously stored variables. ${varaiable_name} gives us access to the storedVars map. Example:

    ${variable1} okay?

* varaible2 will now be ‘this text is a string okay?’
You can use pure javascript expressions. With javascript{} we can use pure javascript:


So you can access the storedVars map directly in a javascript expression:


Storing variables in Selenium IDE
* random_variable and random_variable_copy should be exactly the same.
Note that if you use:

    store 0 zero

zero will be 0, but casted as a string. So later if you use for example:


You will get ’01′ instead of ’1′.
So when you need 0 as an integer you should store your variables using javascript:

    getEval storedVars['zero'] = 0;

* getEval gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet.

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