Certified E-Governance Professional | MS-Word Interface

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MS-Word Interface and editing document


Various window elements of MS- Word

  • Title bar
  • Menu Bar
  • Toolbars
  • Workspace
  • Status Bar
  • Scroll Bars
  • Scroll Box
  • Task Pane

Exploring the Word Interface

Components of the Word Window

Besides the usual PC window components (close box, title bar, scroll bars, etc.), a Word window has other elements

Functionality or Purpose of the Component
Menu Bar Contains File,Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help menus

Standard Toolbar

Contains icons for shortcuts to menu commands.
Formatting Tool Bar Contains pop-up menus for style, font, and font size; icons for boldface, italic, and underline; alignment icons; number and bullet list icons; indention icons, the border icon, highlight, and font color icons.
Ruler Ruler on which you can set tabs, paragraph alignment, and other formats.
Insertion Point Blinking vertical bar that indicates where text you type will be inserted. Don't confuse the insertion point with the mouse I-beam. To move the insertion point, just click the mouse where you want the point moved.
End-of-File Marker Non-printing symbol that marks the end of the file. You cannot insert text after this mark.
Selection Bar (Gutter) Invisible narrow strip along the left edge of the window. Your mouse pointer changes to a right-pointing arrow when it is in this area. It is used to select a line, a paragraph, or the entire document.
Split Handle Double-click to split the window in two (to view different portions of the same file). Double-click to return to one window
Status Bar Displays page number, section number, and total number of pages, pointer position on page and time of day.
Task Pane Displays and groups commonly used features for convenience.
Office Assistant An animated character that can provide help and suggestions. There are multiple characters to choose from, and it is possible to turn the Office Assistant off.


A blank document, ready to type in.

Callout 1 The first document you open is called Document1 in the title bar at the top of the window.
Callout 2 The menu bar. The File menu is the first one on the left.
Callout 3 The Standard and Formatting toolbars.
Callout 4 The insertion point.

When you start Word, a new file opens. That file is called a document. Above the document you'll see the menu bar and the toolbars displayed across the top of the window, as shown in the illustration.

If you've already started Word, you create a new document by clicking New on the File menu. In the New Document task pane that opens, click Blank document.

In the upper-left corner of the document, or page, is the insertion point, a blinking vertical line. The first thing you type will appear there. You can start further down the page if you want to by pressing ENTER until the insertion point is where you want the first line to begin. As you type, the insertion point moves to the right.

If you're typing a letter, you might start by typing the date. After that, press ENTER to move the insertion point down the page one line.

If there's an address, you might add a few empty lines before you type. Press ENTER several times, until the insertion point is where you want it. Then type the first line of the address, press ENTER, type the next line, press ENTER, and so on. Then type the greeting.

When you type the body of the letter, if you want to indent the first line of a paragraph, you can do that by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard to move the insertion point one-half inch to the right.

Go ahead and type. When you get to the end of the first line, you don't have to press ENTER, as you would if you were using a typewriter; Word takes care of that for you. Just continue to type. Whatever you are typing will continue on to the next line.

You do press ENTER to start another paragraph.


Editing Text
Text editing enables you to delete, move, and copy or paste text in your document. The Clipboard is a piece of memory to store temporarily anything which is copied or cut and multiple items can be held.

Copy, Cut and Pasting
To copy to the clipboard, select it then click the Edit menu and choose Copy, or simply press Ctrl + C together.
To cut use Ctrl + X together  and for pasting the data, either select edit menu and choose the Paste option, or together press Ctrl + V.

Text can also be moved by drag and drop by

  • Turn on drag-and-drop editing by On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Edit tab.
  • Select or clear the Drag-and-drop text editing check box.
  • Select the item we want to move or copy.
  • If we want to move the item, drag the selection to the location we want, else if we want to copy the item, hold down CTRL as we drag the selection.

Office Clipboard
Clipboard manager is a special tool that records everything that you copy to the clipboard. It remembers 24 last copied items. It is shown by

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and press C twice – the task pane will open and the clipboard will be displayed
  • From the Task pane, select Clipboard from the drop down menu
  • From the Edit menu, select Office Clipboard
  • From the Options menu on the Clipboard Task pane, select Show Office Clipboard Automatically and deselect Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard – when you copy more than one item, the Clipboard will appear.

Deleting Text

The easiest way to remove text is with the help of Backspace or Delete keys.

Undo and Redo Text
Any recent change made to the document can be undone either by the undo button on standard toolbar or by pressing “Control + Z” keyboard shortcut. Similarly to repeat a recent action click on redo button or by using “Control + Y” key combination.

Insert Mode
In insert mode new characters are inserted into the existing text by moving the existing text to the right to make space for the new characters.

Finding and Replacing Text
To find and replace text first type the text that has to be replaced in the first text box then type the below this is another text box, here type the text which will replace the text in the above box. Shortcut for find is “Control + F” and for replace is “Control+H”

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