Why should I take Core Java Developer certification?
Learn how to create solutions to real-world problems in the Java Programming Language. This certification covers most essential aspects of Core Java. On the completion of this course, you will have all the basic knowledge that you need to create a functional Java program. Java provides a system for developing application software and deploy it in a cross-platform computing environment. It is used in a variety of computing platforms, from embedded devices & mobile phones to enterprise servers & supercomputers.
How will I benefit from Core Java Developer Certification?
Whether you want to become a java developer for major software companies, work freelance, sharpen your programming skills or simply want to bring your ideas to life with a program, this course is for you. Java is one of the most popular computer languages in the world with a huge market advantage.
Core Java Developer Table of Content
Core Java Developer Tutorial
Core Java Developer Sample Questions
Core Java Developer Practice Test
Core Java Interview Questions
Core Java Course Outline
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Vskills Certified Core Java Developer may find employment in all kind of companies like Capgemini, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Sapient Consulting Pvt Ltd, Tech Mahindra.

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Basic Concepts of Java Programming
- Introduction
- JDK 10 Installation
- Eclipse Installation
- Writing Your First Java Program
- Primitive Data Types in Java
- Arithmetic Operators in Java
- Logical and Bitwise Operators
- Relational Operators in Java
- If - Condition
- Nested If - Condition
- "For" Loop in Java
- Hands-On Exercise on the "For" Loop
- "Nested For" Loop
- Hands-On Exercise on the "Nested For" Loop
- "While" and "Do While" Loop in Java
- Loop "Break" and "Continue" Statements
String Operations
- String Basics
- String Comparison Operations
- String Search Operations
- String (Cut) Slice Operations
- String Replace Operations
- String Conversion Operations
Object-Oriented Programming
- Concept of Classes and Objects
- Classes and Objects - Exercise 1
- Methods in Java
- Method Overloading
- Access Specifiers in Java
- Constructor
- Data Encapsulation
- Static Keyword
- Concept of Main Method
- Classes and Object - Exercise 2
Special Classes in Java
- Math Class
- StringBuilder Class
- StringBuilder Method
- Scanner Class
- Random Class
- The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Class
What's New in Java 10?
- "var" Keyword
- Concept of Garbage Collector (GC) and Java 10 Update in GC
- Other Updates in Java 10
Inheritance and Abstraction
- Inheritance in Java
- Method Overriding
- Polymorphism
- "Super" Keyword
- Super Class Constructor
- Protected Access
- Abstraction
- Interface
- "Final" Keyword
- Arrays in Java
- Array Object
- Modified/Enhanced "For" loop
- Array Exercise
- Two-Dimensional (2D) Arrays
- Two-Dimensional (2D) Array Exercise
- Array of OBJECT
- Array List
- Linked List Structure
- Linked List
- ArrayList Versus LinkedList
- List Iterator
Sets and Maps
- Hash Set
- Linked Hash Set
- Tree Set
- Iterating over Sets
- Hash Map
- Tree Map
- Iterating on Maps
Regular Expressions
- Introduction to RegEx (Regular Expressions)
- Quantifiers in RegEx (Regular Expressions)
- Character Classes in RegEx (Regular Expressions)
- Bracket Expressions in RegEx (Regular Expressions)
- "OR" Operator
- "Dot" Operator
- Greedy and Lazy Matching
- RegEx (Regular Expressions) Exercise 1
- RegEx (Regular Expressions) Exercise 2
- Regularizing Number Ranges
Exception Handling
- What Is an Exception?
- Error Versus Exception
- Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
- "Throws" Declaration
- Try and Catch Block (Exception Handling)
- "Finally" Block
Date and Time Operations (Rev Java 8)
- Local Date and Time
- Customizing Date and Time
- Future and Past Date
- Future and Past Time
- Date Difference
- Time Difference
- Date-Time Formatter
Working with Text Files (Apache Commons IO)
- Reading a Text File Using Apache Commons IO
- Editing a Text File Using Apache Commons IO
- Interview Question - Sorting a Line from a Text File
- Copying and Moving Text Files
- Interview Question - Removing Duplicate Words from a Text File
Working with MS Excel Files (Apache POI)
- Apache POI Setup
- Reading Excel File Using POI
- Read Excel Data into a 2D Array
- Interview Question - Write Excel Using POI