Certified Business Intelligence Professional Post Implementation

Post Implementation

Post deployment usually includes -


The Documentation process centers on producing high quality textual deliverables. All user and technical documentation for the data warehouse is developed, including references, user and system operations  guides, and online help.
To facilitate active and successful use of the warehouse, the Metadata Reference describes the contents of the data ware house in business terms and pr ovides a navigational roadmap to the contents of the data warehouse. In a ddition, the Warehouse Administration Reference
outlines the workflow and the manual and au tomated administration procedures. The New Features Guide highlights any new enhancements to warehouse functionality that result from the implementation of the solution.

The Testing process is an integrated approach to testing the quality of the various compo-nents of the data warehouse. Initially, the Te sting Strategy is developed and approved by the client, followed by the crea tion of system, system integrat ion, and module test plans,
scripts, and scenarios. Each test is performed, including the volume tests on the physical designs for the database objects and regression testing of the enhanced warehouse against the current warehouse.
Data Acquisition Modules, Data Access functions, canned queries and reports also undergo thorough module and modules integration test ing. The testing strategy must address the various components of the  solution, including the ad  hoc access processes.  
Regression testing is performed, allowing changes to the data warehouse to be tested against a baseline, ensuring past functionality works when an enhancement is added. Vol-ume testing is conducted on the production platform to check that performance meets the
established objectives. Preparation of the a cceptance environment and support for accep-tance testing is also performed during the Testing process.


OK, the development is complete, quality assurance is satisfied, the documentation is ready, and all the "off-the-shelf" products have arrived. Now it's time to put everything together. This can be a highly disruptive time. Make sure that you have full management support and that they understand the nature and effect of the installation and deployment disruption. Scheduling training sessions concurrently with the installation can be an effective use of time. Don't skimp on the training. Make sure you have training in the budget from the beginning and don't dip into it. The best way to ensure success is to effectively train the users so that they will actually use the system and possibly sing its praises. Also remember that training is ongoing. New employees or employees being moved or promoted will need to be trained. Each time enhancements are added, new training sessions must be scheduled.

The Training process defines th e development and end-user training requirements, identifies the technical and business personnel requiring training, and establishes timeframes for exe-cuting the training plans. During this process, the training plan and training materials are
designed and developed, and the user and technical training is conducted.
The objective is to provide both users and admini strators with adequate training to take on the tasks of operating, maintaining and using the data warehouse. Training focuses on tool training as well as the ways by which business value is generated from the information in
the data warehouse. The team also trains the client’s maintenance personnel and the accep-tance test team.

The Transition process focuses  on the tasks needed to perfor m the cutover to the produc-tion data warehouse. It includes tasks to create the installation plan and prepare the client
maintenance and production environments. During this process, the warehouse administra-tion workflow is implemented, and the production data warehouse is available.

Data warehouses usually contain two or more servers. Tasks such as backups, bug fixes, software updates, hardware maintenance and upgrades, media services, account maintenance, security patches, and other similar tasks must be performed regularly. Operation and maintenance of such services requires an operations staff. It is not enough to "let the users take care of it." If you are providing these services in-house then you will need on-site support from either an outsourcing agency or in-house staff. The current trend is to outsource most of these services. More and more companies are outsourcing the entire data warehouse and access it via the Internet or private network. Outsourcing can result in a substantial savings. Just make sure that your provider can supply the services you require and is available when you need them. Also, be sure to discuss security requirements with them before you hire them.
There is always one thing you can count on: "Requirements Creep." The more successful the data warehouse, the faster requirements creep will occur. As your users become more sophisticated they will want more and more capabilities. If you can respond quickly and efficiently, your users will again sing your praises (and upper management will definitely take notice :-). Make sure that you have designed in the ability to add features from the very beginning. Remember to design in scalability and flexibility at all phases of development.

Post-Implementation Support
The Post-Implementation Support process addr esses the ongoing administration of the warehouse and provides an opportunity to ev aluate and review the implemented solution.

During this process, use of the data warehouse is evaluated by accessing metadata and evaluating queries and reports run against the  warehouse. This information assists with the management of standard queries or reports, the end-user layer, and the identification of
potential indexes.
The process also focuses on several key ware house administration fu nctions including re-freshing the warehouse, monitoring and responding to system problems, correcting errors, and conducting performance and tuning activities for the various components of the data
warehouse. This includes change control for information requirements, roll-out of metadata, queries, reports, filters, and conditions, the library of shared objects, security, incorporation of new users, and the distribution of data ma rts and catalogs. During this process, responsi-bility for the data warehouse may be tr ansferred to the client organization.

It includes the following topics -

 For Support