Certified Basic Network Support Professional The debug and show Commands

The debug and show Commands

Debug commands

All debug commands are entered in privileged EXEC mode, and most debug commands take no arguments. For example, to enable the debug atm packet command, 

Switch# debug atm packet

ATM packets debugging is on
Displaying all ATM packets

To display the state of each debugging 

Switch# show debugging

Generic ATM:
  ATM packets debugging is on

To turn off the debug atm packet command in privileged EXEC mode enter the no 

Switch# no debug atm packet

ATM packets debugging is off

Alternately, in privileged EXEC mode, you can enter the undebug form of the command:

Switch# undebug atm packet

ATM packets debugging is off

To list and see a brief description of all the debugging command 

Switch# debug ?

  aaa                 AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
  all                 Enable all debugging
  arp                 IP ARP and HP Probe transactions
  async               Async interface informati
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