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Become an Instructor to teach what you love & Earn Recognition.


How it works

Topic Name

Choose a topic & Watch our instructions on making the tutorial.

Create Tutorial

Create study material - table of contents, ppts/pdfs and videos etc.


Teach in a way you like. Reach millions of students.

Get Recognised & Earn

Earn from your expertise. Share the copyright of your material.

Benefits of creating courses at Vskills

Earn from your expertise


Get Acknowledged


Global marketplace to promote yourself


How to Apply

  1. 1. Create a layout which has a list of important concepts the student is going to learn, prerequisites (if any), and table of content.
  2. 2. Create a sample section in a ppt or pdf format which you will use in teaching online. It can be detailed or concise depending on your style of teaching.
  3. 3. Choose a teaching style(talking head/narrative/screencast), then make a
    1. a. Short Introduction lecture
    2. b. 1 or 2 instructional lectures
    3. c. Few test questions/quiz
    4. Submit it and after it gets reviewed by us, you can continue finishing the tutorial.
  4. 4. Create the whole tutorial in ppt/pdf format and start teaching
You will get all the credentials and recognition for the course along with shared copyright and will get a one-time payment for creating the whole course

Creating Your Tutorial Online

A tutorial has 3 parts – a beginning, middle and end. There are different best practices for each of them.

1. The beginning:
The goal at the beginning of a course is to motivate and hook a student. It can be done with a compelling intro video by talking about the learning outcomes of the course. It provides a value right away by providing a “quick win” within the first three lectures. What this means is starting with an easy topic and giving with a feeling that a student have progressed in a topic early on.

2. The Middle of the Course:
This is the main part of your course, where you teach the topic and skills that your students came to learn.

  • Address one skill/concept per section. Giving students a chance to make progress every few lectures. A section ideally contains 3-5 lectures and focus on teaching one relevant concept. Don’t try to cover too much in a single lecture. One video can be 2-6 minutes long.
  • Make sure your all the sections add up to the course goals. While each section teach one relevant concept, all the sections together add up to deliver on all the concept your course promises.
  • Add at least 1 practice activity per section. Practicing or taking a test makes the learning better and it also gives the student a feeling of accomplishment.

3. The end of your course:
Ending a course with a strong finish make a student feel rewarded and satisfied.


  • Every section is well rounded by an intro and outro. (Outro does not necessarily need to be a full lecture)
  • Sections are in an order that makes sense for the course content and target student
  • Each section has one or more practice activities

Get In Touch

We will be happy to assist you.

(+91) 011 4734 4723

711, Tower - 2, Pearls Omaxe, Pitampura, Delhi, 110034