Need for computer security


If you don’t take basic steps to protect your work computer, you put it and all the information on it at risk. You can potentially compromise the operation of other computers on your organization’s network, or even the functioning of the network as a whole. For business, legal and ethical reasons, the University of Miami requires that you do your part to keep workplace computers secure. The steps below are what is required to do that.

Your workplace computer may already have all of the technical protections listed below, but it is your responsibility to be sure that’s the case. Contact your department’s IT liaison to be sure. If your department doesn’t have any designated IT support, contact the Help Desk.


Your personal information is at risk if you don’t take similar steps for your own computer at home. Unfortunately, we cannot provide Help Desk support for home systems,. However, UM provides some resources for at-home security, including free anti-virus software for personal use.

Why is Computer Security Important?

Computer Security allows the University to carry out its mission by:

  • Enabling people to carry out their jobs, education, and research
  • Supporting critical business process
  • Protecting personal and sensitive information

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