PPC advertising and trending

PPC advertising and trending

Pay-per-click advertising is a method of advertising in which advertisers pay for each ad clicked, usually via an advertising platform such as Google AdWords. Pay per click advertisers bid on specific keywords in order to have their ads appear, and is hence it can also be referred to as keyword advertising.

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Pay-per-click advertising can only succeed if you’re bidding on the right keywords. PPC advertising can be extremely profitable if done correctly, but in order to succeed, you need to know which keywords will bring you the best results.

With the pay per click company WordStream’s integrated keyword management solutions, your keyword performance is assessed by examining each individual keyword’s Quality Score, impressions, CPC, and conversions. WordStream evaluates your keywords and provides actionable recommendations to improve your pay per click performance as well as alerts to help you pause underperforming keywords. WordStream uses your existing keyword data to fuel your PPC advertising campaigns from one easy-to-use, all-encompassing interface.

Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and campaigns are the primary way of advertising on the internet. As of May 2009, the three largest players in the market are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

A PPC campaign lets you determine exactly who comes to your website. You only pay for clicks to your site; if a person clicks on a search engine result, link, or banner and lands on your site (aka PPP pay-for-performance advertising). If the person only sees your link, but does not click through, this is called an impression.

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Impressions are “the number of promotional units a person is subjected to” (Cone, S. 2008. Powerlines) You do not have pay for impressions. There are also pricing models based on impressions, which charge per thousand (CPM). Whether or not the purchase of impressions is interesting for you depends on your product and target audience.

Using clickstream analysis, a tracking system will tell you what people do on your site once they arrive through PPC advertising. This information is necessary to manage your advertising, and determine the best ways to:

  • obtain quality traffic
  • convert visitors into customers
  • create action that generates revenue

PPC advertising is based on keyword selection. The entire internet advertising market revolves around choosing the correct search terms and keywords. Well managed PPC advertising will bring traffic that achieves your goal, or ‘desired outcome’, whether it is to publicise an event or sell goods and services

Organic ranking factors
Google and other search engine working

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