Rights and liabilities of the Lessee

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The deeming rights and liabilities of the tenant are given below

  • Accession to the property during the tenancy
  • Lease is void at the option of the tenant if there is force majeure i.e. substantially damaged by fire, flood or violence of mob or other irresistible force
  • The tenant may carry out any repair in the premises himself and adjust it against rent, if the landlord neglects to carry out the same within a reasonable time, similarly tenant can make any payment that the landlord is obliged to make and adjust the same in the manner above.
  • The tenant is obliged to pay the rent in proper time and place
  • The tenant is obliged to keep the premises in good condition, while in possession of the same
  • The tenant must not erect on the property any permanent structure without the consent of the landlord
  • The tenant is obliged to hand over the possession of the property to the landlord on end of the lease

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Rights and liabilities of the lessor
Termination of a Lease

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