Gathering Data
Evaluating energy performance requires good information on how, when, and where energy is being used. Collecting and tracking this information is necessary for establishing baselines and managing energy use.
Organizations of all sizes have established systems for gathering and tracking energy use data. For commercial buildings ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager tracks energy use over time. In the case of industrial plants, the ENERGY STAR industry specific Energy Performance Indicator (EPI) can be used to track yearly energy use patterns. All or part of data collection and management can also be outsourced. Regardless of what method you use to gather and track data, consider the steps below.
The goals of the project were:
- Understand the endless possibilities Google Forms has to offer you, as a teacher and your students.
- Understand the importance of allowing students to use tools, such as an online form, to meet educational outcomes.
- Demonstrate advanced skills using Google Forms to apply an outside script, Flubaroo, to your form for self-grading.
- Demonstrate your abilities to use an online form to gather information on a spreadsheet to impact the teaching and learning process.
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