Performance Appraisal Tutorial | Designing appraisal form

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Designing Appraisal Form

Clarity around performance appraisals will help the organization to unlock performance gains.  A good designed appraisal forms measure relevant and meaningful areas for managers and employees. A performance evaluation system can help them know what to expect, provides feedback to recognize their strengths and weakness, and develops a plan with management to meet their individual and company goals.

Here are some steps to help design the form.

  • Specific job description: Create a specific description for each job and department which includes both individual and department goals. The company should have set standards for conduct and performance. These guidelines should be provided to each employee and ensure that everyone is aware of their specific responsibilities and duties.
  • Design an evaluation form: The evaluation form contains some components such as attendance, adherence to company policies and overall work performance. Each department may have evaluation forms that are developed based on the goals of that department.
  • Set an evaluation schedule: Many businesses will evaluate employees after their first 90 days on the job or 90 days after a transfer or promotion. The evaluations routinely occur on an annual basis. When there is improvement needed, evaluations may need to occur on a quarter.
  • Train managers on how to use the evaluation system: Managers are needed to be trained to complete all aspects of the form and include examples of both strengths and weaknesses of each employee. Practice sessions for the managers can be made to assess their preparedness. A set of standard guidelines for evaluating employees is to be devised in order to help avoid legal issues. A 360-degree evaluation is implemented where all employees are evaluated by their manager, their peers and their subordinates. . This evaluation can be conducted on the same form and delivered to the manager a few days before the manager’s evaluation.

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