Objectives of AMFI

Objectives of AMFI

The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) is a self-regulatory organization that was established in 1995 with the primary objective of promoting the development of the mutual fund industry in India. The organization represents the mutual fund industry in India and provides a platform for mutual fund companies to collaborate on issues related to the mutual fund industry. AMFI is also responsible for ensuring that mutual fund companies comply with the regulatory framework set by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

One of the primary objectives of AMFI is to create awareness about mutual funds among investors. AMFI aims to educate investors about the benefits of investing in mutual funds and how to select the right mutual fund schemes that meet their investment goals. The organization conducts various investor awareness campaigns and seminars across the country to create awareness about mutual funds. AMFI also publishes educational materials and guides to help investors make informed investment decisions. AMFI is also responsible for setting ethical and professional standards for the mutual fund industry in India. The organization aims to promote transparency and ethical behavior among mutual fund companies and ensure that they operate in the best interests of their investors. AMFI also monitors the performance of mutual fund companies and takes necessary actions if any mutual fund company fails to comply with the regulatory framework or ethical standards set by the organization.

The Principal objectives of AMFI are to.

  • Promote the interests of the mutual funds and unit holders and interact with regulators- SEBI/RBI/Govt./Regulators.
  • To set and maintain ethical, commercial and professional standards in the industry and to recommend and promote best business practices and code of conduct to be followed by members and others engaged in the activities of mutual fund and asset management.
  • To increase public awareness and understanding of the concept and working of mutual funds in the country, to undertake investor awareness programmes and to disseminate information on the mutual fund industry.
  • To develop a cadre of well trained distributors and to implement a programme of training and certification for all intermediaries and others engaged in the industry.


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