Writing Reports and Proposals

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Writing Reports and Proposals

A formal report is usually written to someone in another company or organization. Occasionally it is written for a senior manager in the same company, or for someone with whom the writer has little regular contact. Usually it is longer than an informal report and requires more extensive research.

Good reports and proposals succeed by enabling decision makers to make the best decisions. This course provides strategies and techniques to ensure your reports, feasibility studies, proposals and business plans are clear, concise, and persuasive.

Reports are written to lead to action, to make things happen, or play a part in so doing. It is usually a tool to create an image of the writer/organization in the mind of the reader. Communication influences people, and hence, the intention is clear; a report usually has a case to present, one that will act so as to play a part in the thinking that follows. Preparation is the foundation upon which report writing is based. The ultimate measure of a good report is whether it achieves the required outcome. Research prior to writing is necessary as more time spent on research and preparation means less on writing because the writing flows more smoothly. Consult people and books in researching.


  • What makes it work for the reader?
  • What assists you to compile it quickly and easily
  • Set clear objectives
  • Knowledge about the would-be recipients of the report

Writing Proposal

A proposal is a suggestion, request, recommendation or justification for a project, activity or in many cases for money for the funding of one.

The proposal report is often the basis for decision making and must therefore be practical and useable. Proposal reports must be user-oriented. The whole basis of evaluating a proposal report is how well it meets the reader’s needs and answers the reader’s questions.


Followings contents needs to be added in a Proposal.

  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • The statement of need
  • The recommendations or solutions
  • Areas of detail such as timing, logistics, technical specifications
  • Closing statement/summary
  • Additional information as an appendix


Followings are the some of the goods qualities present in a Proposal

  • They must earn a reading, hold and develop interest
  • Well structured and utilize appropriate language
  • Must not just persuade, but work to obtain positive decisions to the business
  • Proposals should follow a cumulative process, being a key link in the stages of moving prospects from little or no interest in your product or service to stimulating positive action to subscribe
  • It has great visibility: makes the buyer remember you
  • Differentiates:  makes a more powerful and distinct case

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