FileSystemRegistry Methods

FileSystemRegistry Methods

In J2ME, the FileSystemRegistry class provides access to the file systems available on the device. It offers various methods to perform operations on the file systems. Here are some of the commonly used methods of the FileSystemRegistry class:

  1. getFileSystemRoots(): This method returns an array of root directories of all the available file systems on the device.
  2. addFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener): This method registers a FileSystemListener with the FileSystemRegistry to receive notifications about file system events.
  3. removeFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener): This method unregisters a FileSystemListener from the FileSystemRegistry.
  4. getAvailableFileSystemRoots(): This method returns an array of root directories of all the available file systems that are currently accessible.
  5. getFileSystemType(String root): This method returns the type of the file system associated with the specified root directory.

These methods can be used to perform various operations on the file systems available on the device, such as accessing files, creating directories, and so on.

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