Create New Documents Using Templates

Create New Documents Using Templates

Using templates can help you create new documents quickly and easily in Microsoft Word. A template is a pre-designed document that includes formatting, layout, and content that can be customized to meet your specific needs. Here are the steps to create new documents using templates in Microsoft Word:

Open Microsoft Word.

Click on “File” in the top left corner of the screen.

Click on “New” in the left pane.

In the search bar, type in the type of document you want to create, such as “resume” or “newsletter.”

Browse the available templates and select one that suits your needs.

Click on “Create” to open a new document based on the selected template.

Customize the document as needed by adding or removing content, changing formatting options, and modifying the layout.

Save the document with a new name to avoid overwriting the original template.

When we first start, a word document is opened. It is like a blank piece of paper that already has predefined settings. These settings, called default settings are generally the most commonly used settings and are stored as a document template. A template is a document file that includes predefined settings that can be used as a pattern to create many common types of documents. Every word document is based on a document template. The default document settings are stored in the normal document template. Whenever we create a new document using this template, the same default settings are used. The normal document template is referred to as a global template because it contains settings that are available to all documents.

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