

Microsoft Word is a powerful tool for collaboration, allowing multiple users to edit and comment on the same document. Here are some of the ways to collaborate using MS Word:

Track Changes: This feature allows you to keep track of all the changes made by different users in the document. To enable this feature, go to the Review tab, click on the Track Changes button, and select Track Changes.

Comments: This feature allows you to add comments to the document, which can be viewed and replied to by other users. To add a comment, select the text you want to comment on, right-click, and select New Comment.

Sharing: You can share the document with others by saving it to a cloud storage service like OneDrive or SharePoint. To share the document, click on the Share button and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share it with.

Co-Authoring: This feature allows multiple users to edit the same document at the same time. To enable co-authoring, save the document to a cloud storage service and share it with others. Users can then open the document and start editing.

Compare and Merge: This feature allows you to compare two versions of the same document and merge the changes. To use this feature, go to the Review tab, click on the Compare button, and select Compare Documents.

Protecting: You can protect the document by adding a password or restricting editing and formatting permissions. To add a password, go to the File tab, click on Info, and select Protect Document. To restrict editing and formatting permissions, go to the Review tab, click on Restrict Editing, and select the options you want to restrict.

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