Frame Relay Troubleshooting

Frame Relay Troubleshooting

Frame Relay troubleshooting can be divided into two main categories: local and remote troubleshooting. Local troubleshooting focuses on the router and the local Frame Relay connection, while remote troubleshooting involves the remote Frame Relay connection and the network between the local and remote ends.

Here are some common Frame Relay troubleshooting steps:

Verify the configuration: Check the configuration of the router and the Frame Relay switch to ensure that the correct settings are in place.

Verify the LMI status: Verify that the local router is receiving LMI messages from the Frame Relay switch. Use the “show frame-relay lmi” command to check the LMI status.

Verify the PVC status: Use the “show frame-relay pvc” command to check the status of the PVC. Make sure that the PVC is active and that the correct DLCI is used.

Verify the interface status: Use the “show interface” command to check the status of the Frame Relay interface. Make sure that the interface is up and that there are no errors or drops.

Verify the IP connectivity: Use the “ping” command to verify IP connectivity between the local and remote routers.

Verify the routing table: Check the routing table to make sure that there is a route to the remote network.

Check for congestion: Use the “show frame-relay pvc” command to check for congestion on the PVC. If the BECN bit is set, it indicates that the Frame Relay switch is experiencing congestion and is requesting the router to slow down.

Use debug commands: Use debug commands to troubleshoot specific problems, such as LMI negotiation, PVC setup, and Frame Relay encapsulation issues.

Contact the service provider: If the problem cannot be resolved locally, contact the service provider for assistance. By following these steps, you can identify and resolve Frame Relay issues and ensure that the network is functioning correctly.

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