Unary Operators in PHP

Unary Operators in PHP

In PHP, Unary operators are operators that work on only one operand. There are several Unary operators available in PHP, including:

  1. Unary plus (+): It is used to convert an operand to a numeric value, and it is denoted by the plus sign (+).
  2. Unary minus (-): It is used to negate an operand and is denoted by the minus sign (-).
  3. Increment (++): It is used to increase the value of an operand by one.
  4. Decrement (–): It is used to decrease the value of an operand by one.
  5. Logical not (!): It is used to reverse the logical value of an operand.
  6. Bitwise not (~): It is used to invert the bits of an operand.

These operators are often used in PHP programs to perform various operations such as arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operations.

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