

In Joomla, Configuration refers to the settings that control the behavior and appearance of the website. The Configuration section in Joomla is accessed through the backend administration area and allows administrators to manage various aspects of their Joomla website.

Some of the key configuration settings in Joomla include:

  1. Global Configuration: This section contains basic settings such as the site name, description, and default language.
  2. Server Settings: This section contains settings related to server configuration such as the database settings and error reporting.
  3. Site Settings: This section contains settings that affect the front-end of the website, including search engine optimization (SEO), caching, and session management.
  4. System Settings: This section contains settings that control system-wide behavior such as user registration, email settings, and security settings.
  5. Template Settings: This section allows administrators to manage the appearance of the website by choosing a template and adjusting its settings.

Overall, the Configuration section in Joomla provides administrators with a wide range of options to customize their website and ensure it functions properly.

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