Insert, Position, and Size Graphics

Insert, Position, and Size Graphics

Move or resize an embedded chart

  1. Click the chart area of an embedded chart.
  2. To move the chart, drag it to another location.
  3. To resize the chart, point to a sizing handle. When the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the sizing handle until the chart is the size that you want.

Chart item being resized

Change how an embedded chart is positioned with cells

  1. Click the chart area of an embedded chart.
  2. On the Format menu, click Selected Chart Area.
  3. On the Properties tab, under Object positioning, click the option that you want.

Change the size or position of an embedded chart in the worksheet

You can move an embedded chart to any location on the worksheet, and change the size of the chart for a better fit.

By default, an embedded chart also moves and sizes with cells, but you can change that option so that the chart moves with cells without being resized, or doesn’t move or size with cells but stays unchanged in the same location.

Locate, Select, and Insert Supporting Information
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