The BizTalk Server Message

The BizTalk Server Message

The BizTalk Server Message is the fundamental unit of data exchange in BizTalk Server. It is a structured data packet that encapsulates information to be exchanged between two or more systems. Messages in BizTalk Server can be of different types, including XML, EDI, Flat Files, and Custom Binary Formats.

The structure of a BizTalk Server Message consists of three main parts:

Message Header: The header contains metadata about the message, such as the message ID, the message type, and the sender and receiver information.

Message Body: The body contains the actual data payload of the message, such as an XML document, an EDI message, or a custom binary format.

Message Properties: Properties are name-value pairs that provide additional information about the message. Properties can be used to control message routing, filter messages, and specify message delivery options. Messages in BizTalk Server are exchanged using the messaging engine, which provides a powerful set of features for message routing and transformation. The messaging engine uses a publish-and-subscribe model, where messages are published to a message box, and subscribers can register to receive messages based on specific criteria such as message type or content.

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