Intents and Intent Filters in Android

Intents and Intent Filters are important concepts in the Android framework that allow communication between components of an application or between different applications.

An Intent is an object that provides a way to communicate between components of an application, such as Activities, Services, and Broadcast Receivers, as well as between different applications. Intents can be used to start an Activity, start a Service, or broadcast an Intent to other applications.

An Intent Filter is a way to specify the types of Intents that an application or component can respond to. An Intent Filter is declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the application and specifies the type of Intent that the component can handle.

When an Intent is broadcast or sent to an application, Android checks the Intent Filters of all the registered components to determine which component can handle the Intent. If a matching Intent Filter is found, the corresponding component is launched or notified. For example, an application can define an Intent Filter for an Activity that can be launched when a specific type of Intent is received. Other applications can then send that Intent to launch the Activity. This allows for easy integration between different applications, as well as for components within the same application to communicate with each other.

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