Issue in Rewarding Teams

Issue in Rewarding Teams

Issue in rewarding teams- Team rewards present a great opportunity to help foster team bonding. With the proper application of a reward and recognition program, you can help build a high-performance team, and foster cross-organizational cooperation. But team rewards are not to be treated carelessly: misapplication could lead to unhealthy competition, lack of cooperation, and ultimately severe financial consequences for the organization.


Team motivation and rewards programs should make up part of your overall employee recognition program. You need to consider a mix of team and individual rewards, and balance the mix between awards that encourage both cooperative and competitive behaviors. The first reviewed article in our directory, below, presents a model for distinguishing these reward motivators and for building a sound employee recognition strategy. With a balanced strategy, you can then prepare a blend of monetary and non monetary rewards that will help you achieve your goals in a cost-effective manner.

The issues in rewarding a team are:
  • Spreading incentives across high and low performers, potentially allowing low performers to sail behind top performers.
  • Dilutes pay-for-performance culture.
  • Hinders management’s ability to quickly diagnose performance driver(s).

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