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Govt. Certified HR Staffing Manager
Introduction to Job Analysis
Job analysis is the key element in human resources management. Every employee in an organization works towards achieving business strategies and contribute to the company’s effective growth. A job can be defined as a group or cluster of tasks to be performed by an employee. A job role is a set of expected patterns or a set of behaviors people exhibit in a company. Some companies have very clear and well structured jobs such as tasks in a manufacturing unit. Other companies have jobs that keep changing and demand multiple skills from employees.
Sometimes rigid and formal job descriptions can be restrictive and can limit the employee’s ability. Certain companies require staff to be flexible and do not follow a structured job description. Some examples are Proctor & Gamble, Accenture, etc. hire employees without a clear position in mind, and focus on developing their skills and talent to let the staff grow with the organization. In this case irrespective of the jobs or roles, the person hired must have the competencies and motivation to deliver what the company needs. Formal job descriptions are mostly suited for support jobs in administration, clerical, etc.
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