Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | Recruiting

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HR Staffing | Recruiting

Recruiting is a critical HR function as this determines the right talent available in the company for superior business performance. Plenty of talented people are available, but companies are increasingly feeling the burden to find the right talented people they need and convincing them to join. All types of companies, whether startups or established organizations are under constant pressure to identify and recruit the right talent and add value to the workforce. This calls for a formal recruiting strategy, but unfortunately many companies do not possess one. A recruiting strategy will provide a workable framework for recruiting effectiveness.

The Process of Recruiting

The purpose of a recruiting function is to identify and hire right talented employees for the organization. This further ensures the benefits in promoting the business strategy and finally to achieve a competitive advantage. The recruiter plays the role of an interface between the organization and the job applicant. Another important outcome of a recruiting effort is also to understand how applicants react to the recruiting process and the recruiters.

An effective recruitment is to consider the applicant’s perspectives and needs, because the final outcome depends on a series of decisions made by both the organization and the individual. Hence the perception of both the parties involved is relevant for recruitment effectiveness. The important goal of recruitment is to give every applicant a positive feeling about the organization. It is equally important to ensure that applicants feel they are treated fairly during the recruiting process.


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