Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | External assessment goals and methods

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HR Staffing | External assessment goals and methods

Many vocational qualifications are structured so that each unit has one form of assessment, either portfolio-based or external assessment. The external assessment is set and marked by the awarding body. Types of external assessment will vary between subjects and between awarding bodies within subjects. This section has been designed to support teachers of Vocational courses and is designed to help prepare for the externally assessed units. It contains: Advice on preparing students for external assessment, subject specific lesson plans, learning and revision activities and Examiners’ hints and tips.


External Assessment Goals

An assessment is performed with job candidates to understand who will be best hires in terms of meeting the organizational staffing goals. This includes high level performance and enhancing strategy execution. Identifying the ideal job candidate is even more important than hiring good performers. Assessing external job candidates is important for organization and this exercise involves the following elements:

Enhanced Job Fit:

A successful match is to determine if a person can be a best fit for the job, the company and the work group. A maximized fit is fulfilled by ensuring if a person’s abilities and demands of the job and the fit between a person’s desires and motivations to take up the job and perform well consistently. In other words it is the person-job fit and this matches the degree to which the job meets the individual needs. A person-group fit is the match between the individual and his/her work group or team. This also includes the immediate supervisor and/or line manager. The next fit is to match the person’s desires, beliefs, and values with those of the organization’s values, norms and culture. The person-vocation fit is the match between the person’s interests, abilities, values and personality and his/her chosen occupation, irrespective of the employer. Lastly, the match is influence if the person can bring certain unique characteristics or skills to the existing group and/or if the person’s characteristics are similar to those that already exist with the organization.


The dimensions of fit are summarized in the table below:

Types of fit Possible characteristics of fit
Person-job fit : The individual can fulfill the particular job requirements and has the potential ·         Skills and competencies relate well with the job

·         The person has knowledge, experience and personality related to the task

Group fit: The person matches with the existing group, including his supervisor ·         Good team player.

·         Skills and expertise are relevant to the team’s overall strengths.

·         Good communicator and adaptable

Organization fit: The person matches perfectly with the organization’s values, norms and culture. ·         The individual’s motivations are aligned with the organization’s values and goals.
Vocation fit: Match is between the person’s abilities, interests, values and personality and the job requirement. ·         Personal values, aptitude, long term goals and individual interests.

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Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | Benchmarking and methods of evaluation
Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | External assessment plans

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