Enterprise Computing

Enterprise Computing

Enterprise computing, an umbrella term used mostly to sell business systems development products, traditionally refers to the mission-critical systems on which a business depends. It almost always includes a database. The word “enterprise” most certainly does not communicate or represent a determinate content, an identifiable meaning, or a describable value. Nowadays almost all the technology product aimed at the business customer are marketed with the tag – the buzzword “enterprise”.

It becomes necessary to understand the word “enterprise” within the context of enterprise software. The term “enterprise” overshadows the idea of business taken wholistically. An enterprise solution identifies common problem domains within a business and provides a shared infrastructure as a solution for those identified problems. Take the case of running a bank, which has several branches in different places with different cultures. But these differences in cultures and locations won’t come in the way of identifying the common ground realities, such as accounts and customers. Looking at this business from an enterprise perspective means abstracting away from irrelevant differences in the way the individual branches function, and instead approaching the business from their common things.

Applying this view to design and development of software, an enterprise system provides the proper abstractions for business concepts that remain constant across a business so that they may be shared by all the different units within the company. In this Internet age, enterprise systems even can share the business concepts with vendors, clients and perspective customers also apart from the company. Thus enterprise solution are in high demand among business houses in these days. Here comes a list of requirements for a true enterprise system.

Grid integration

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