Web design tools

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Web design tools

Web design tools consist of various software used for development of various web related content of HTML files, CSS files, graphics, multi-media content etc.

The website development software is used to create, edit, and update web pages and websites. They have graphical user interface that displays the desired results, typically in a WYSIWYG manner. Few web design tools are Adobe Dreamweaver, WebDev, and Microsoft Expression Studio which are commercial programs, and Amaya which is open source.

Tools related to web site development are specific to databases and server and client-side tools used as

Client side coding

  • Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript provides new methods of using JavaScript, and other languages to improve the user experience.
  • Flash Adobe Flash Player is a ubiquitous browser plug-in ready for RIAs. Flex 2 is also deployed to the Flash Player (version 9+).
  • JavaScript JavaScript is a ubiquitous client side platform for creating and delivering rich web applications that can also run across a wide variety of devices. It is a dialect of the scripting language ECMAScript.
  • jQuery Cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify and speed up the client-side scripting of HTML.
  • Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft’s browser plug-in that enables animation, vector graphics and high-definition video playback, programmed using XAML and .NET programming languages.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 Latest HTML proposed standard combined with the latest proposed standard for CSS natively supports much of the client-side functionality provided by other frameworks such as Flash and Silverlight

Server side coding

  • ASP (Microsoft proprietary)
  • CGI
  • Java, e.g. Java EE or WebObjects
  • PHP (open source)
  • Python, e.g. Django (web framework) (open source)
  • .NET and .NET MVC Frameworks (Microsoft proprietary)


  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • SQLite

Other tools used include tools for

  • Graphic design tools like CorelDRAW
  • Web usability tools
  • Website accessibility tools
  • Search engine optimization tools
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