Page Formatting

Page Formatting

In Adobe PageMaker 7, you can format pages to set the size, orientation, margins, and other layout properties for your publication. Here’s an overview of page formatting options in PageMaker:

  1. Page Size and Orientation:
    • Go to the “File” menu and select “Document Setup” to open the Document Setup dialog box.
    • In the Document Setup dialog box, you can specify the page size by entering the desired dimensions or selecting from the available presets. Additionally, you can choose the page orientation (portrait or landscape).
    • Click “OK” to apply the changes to the page size and orientation.
  2. Margins and Guides:
    • To set the margins for your pages, go to the “Layout” menu and select “Margins.”
    • In the Margins dialog box, you can specify the margin values for top, bottom, left, and right. Alternatively, you can click and drag the margin guides directly on the rulers to adjust them visually.
    • Click “OK” to apply the margin settings to your pages.
  3. Columns:
    • PageMaker allows you to create multiple columns on a page to organize text and other elements.
    • To set the number of columns and their widths, go to the “Layout” menu and select “Columns.”
    • In the Columns dialog box, you can specify the number of columns and their widths. You can also set the gutter space between columns.
    • Click “OK” to apply the column settings to your page.
  4. Headers and Footers:
    • PageMaker enables you to add headers and footers to your pages, which can include page numbers, document titles, and other information.
    • To set up headers and footers, go to the “Type” menu and select “Headers and Footers.”
    • In the Headers and Footers dialog box, you can enter the desired content for the header and footer and customize their appearance.
    • Click “OK” to apply the headers and footers to your pages.
  5. Master Pages:
    • PageMaker allows you to create master pages, which serve as templates for consistent layout and design across multiple pages.
    • To create and edit master pages, go to the “Window” menu and select “Master Pages” to open the Master Pages palette.
    • In the Master Pages palette, you can create new master pages, define their layout properties, and apply them to regular pages in your publication.
    • Changes made to a master page will be automatically applied to all pages associated with that master page.

These are some of the key page formatting options available in PageMaker 7. Utilizing these features will help you create well-designed and structured layouts for your publication. However, keep in mind that PageMaker 7 is an older software version, and its compatibility with modern operating systems and file formats may be limited.

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Story Editor, styles and master pages

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