History of CouchDB

History of CouchDB

CouchDB is a free and open-source NoSQL database developed by Apache Software Foundation. It was created by Damien Katz in 2005 while he was working at IBM Lotus. Katz had been working on an email system and had developed an interest in using document-oriented databases for storage.

Initially, he developed CouchDB as a personal project, and in 2008, he released it under the Apache License 2.0. CouchDB gained popularity quickly, and in 2010, it became an Apache Software Foundation project.

Over the years, CouchDB has undergone several updates and improvements, including the addition of new features such as clustering and replication. Today, CouchDB is used by many organizations worldwide, including major companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and the BBC.

One of the key features of CouchDB is its ability to handle large amounts of data while maintaining a high level of performance. Its document-oriented approach allows developers to store and retrieve data easily, making it a popular choice for web and mobile applications.

Overall, the history of CouchDB is one of continuous innovation and development, with a strong community of contributors who have helped make it one of the most popular NoSQL databases available today.

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