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Kim Lord Grid Model
Chung K. Kim and Kenneth R. Lord have recognized that the purchase decision of a single product can be dominated by both cognitive and affective factors. They identified that people can use both effectiveness and cognition together when it comes to people making purchasing decisions but there are different levels or degrees of such kind of involvement. The concept that they try to explain through this model is that an advertising marketing strategy involves both how a customer feels about the product and what he thinks.
Cognitive Response Model
Usually, the change in consumer’s perception and belief is a result of learning through the advertisements. Cognitive response refers to the response in individuals generated on seeing an ad which is evaluated in the light of past experiences, knowledge and attitudes. The consumers are asked to either write down or verbally express their cognitive responses to an ad message through exposure. It is through these cognitive processes and reactions that help marketers to know if the advertisement has been accepted or rejected by consumers. The focus of this approach has been to determine the types of responses elicited by an advertising message and how these responses associate to attitudes towards the advertisement, the brand and purchase intention. The three basic cognitive responses the research has identified are,
- Product/Message Thoughts
- Source Oriented Thoughts
- Advertisement Execution Thoughts
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